Sunday, December 19, 2010

[12-19-10] Runny Nose Baby

It's not fun when your baby gets sick. My son has regular cold recently, and he has runny nose and coughs. Since he doesn't have a fever, all I have to do is sucking his slimy and make him warm.

I got this tool before my son was born. My mommy friend told me that I should get this for sure, and make sure ask my family to buy in Japan and ship or bring it over.

This baby nasal aspirator suck all baby's slimy in a nose. You put one tube on your mouth and another tube on a baby's nose. It's not pleasant experience so every time we use it, our son cries out, but it helps so well to clear his nose for sure.

You can get bulb syringe from the hospital, but unfortunately it works horrible. ( we think ) so I highly recommend to use this!

Well now you can get it thru Amazon in the US. Search "baby nasal aspirator".

Pigion, the Japanese very popular and trustworthy brand, sells it!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

[12-14-10] My Life Has Been Changed...

Today was the last day of the Mommy & Me class. It's been 4 months since I took the class for the first month. My son was just 4 months old, and now he's 8 months, and finally started crowing. That's a huge step for him.

My Japanese editor just uploaded the last diary of my labor experience.
Now I see the pictures and my comments, those are such an old stories!!

Sekano Kosodate (in Japanese only)

It's funny how quickly you adjust yourself as a mom.
Now my act and behavior are totally based on being mommy.

Last night I had a dinner & meeting with my clients and my production crew.
After dinner, some of them decided to go out, and they asked me to join, but I said no.
I think I let them down a bit.
I could have been able to joined, because it was 9pm, and I know my son was already in bed.
And I'm sure my husband would have said ok if I had asked him.
But I didn't.

I was really tired, Yes.
But more of that, I didn't feel like joining.
Should have joined? Yes, may be because there was a client.
But huh I don't know.
Since I became mom, my priority has been totally changed, and the standard of all my decisions right now are completely different from my past.

If I got sick or tired too much, who's going to take care of my son.
Replacing me in my work would be possible, but not for my baby.

I never thought that I could be like this the day I delivered my son.

Life has been changed soooo much,