Monday, January 29, 2007
01-29-07 KIRIGAMI WORKS' WORKSHOP, our first experience in Los Angeles
Hello, this is funtrap showroom!
We'll have a special workshop with Japanese artist, Kanako Yaguchi
KIRIGAMI is a Japanese traditional art form that creates oroginal patterns using scissors and paper. Kanako is well-known as a KIRIGAMI artist who has been creating KIRIGAMI artwork under her YOROKOBINOKATACHI label for over 10 years in Japan. Kanako exhibited her artwork at German art show, Design Mai in 2005 and 2006. Italian interior magazine, Elle Decor, picked her art and featured KIRIGAMI in their Sep. issue of 2006.
In this workshop, everyone makes a small treasure attached with KIRIGAMI. Kanako will teach you how to make nice little KIRIGAMI patterns with using your own scissors.
This event is lunch-on event. First we'll have a lunch with letting you know what KIRIGAMI is and show you some of the art pieces of her creation. After lunch, we begin to make a treasure box together.
For more detail information, please contact funtrap showroom (info@funtrap.net)
Date : February 10, Sat 12pm-3pm
Fee: $45 including lunch and materials
Place : Nice Cozy Italian Restaurant "Speranza"
2547 Hyperion Ave Los Angeles, CA 90027
#323 644 1918
2月10日(土) 時間午後12時 約3時間
会費 $45 (ランチと材料費込み)
定員 10名
2547 Hyperion Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
#323 644 1918
funtrap showroomまで!
Friday, January 19, 2007
01-19-07 We'll be in San Diego next week!!
Next week from 25th to 27th, I'll be in San Diego for ASR (Action Sports Retailer) show.
My line, NEON ELEMENTS will show its new 2007 AW snowboarding wear. This show is their first appearance for the US snow market. I hope we can attract many people in this show. My friends, Yo & Toshi, of Omicron Design will help for building up their booth. Rock & Snow NEON ELEMENTS should be appeared...
Unfortunately, now SIA is much popular for snow industry. I think we have to be there next year. We'll see..
今回のブースセッティングは、仲間のomicron designのよーたろうととしが担当。かっちょいーのを安く作って、という厳しい要望に、汗水流しながら、がんばってくれています。ありがとう!
My line, NEON ELEMENTS will show its new 2007 AW snowboarding wear. This show is their first appearance for the US snow market. I hope we can attract many people in this show. My friends, Yo & Toshi, of Omicron Design will help for building up their booth. Rock & Snow NEON ELEMENTS should be appeared...
Unfortunately, now SIA is much popular for snow industry. I think we have to be there next year. We'll see..
今回のブースセッティングは、仲間のomicron designのよーたろうととしが担当。かっちょいーのを安く作って、という厳しい要望に、汗水流しながら、がんばってくれています。ありがとう!
Monday, January 15, 2007
01-15-07 A Happy New Year, 2007
~A picture from our Christmas party on Dec 2006~写真は年末のクリスマスパーティーの時の写真。
It's just begun. Sorry my "funtrap.net" website is still under construction, and I can't put a lot of new information on it.
Currently we have "LA MARKET summer". I met some new stores and also met again repeaters.
I didn't expect many customers, but some reasons it looks a lot of people visiting this show !
That's a good thing.
This week, it'll be crazy for sure! I'll have another market day left, a shooting on Wed, and have to prepare for ASR with my line, NEON ELEMENTS. ASR stands for "Action Sports Retailer". My snowboard wear line is tremendously high quality line, and this show will be their first appeapance in this market.
I have to make calls to let people know where we are going to be...
: ASR in San Diego from Jan 25-27, booth#2351
ところで、今はLA MARKET期間中です。今回はあまり多くのお客さんの来場を期待はしていなかったのですが、、、嬉しいことに新規の方、リピーターなどなど前よりも多く、ショールームに立ち寄ってくれています。
今週はそれでなくても忙しくなりそう。来週末(25-27日)にサンディエゴで開かれるASRショーに、 NEON ELEMENTSが出展予定で、今はその準備があって大忙し。加えて、水曜日は撮影もあるし、マーケットもあと1日残っている。。。ふぅ〜。でもきっと、いいショーになると思う。というかしなくっちゃ!
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