Wednesday, October 13, 2010

[10-13-10] Robertson Blvd & Baby Carrier

Today I went to Robertson Blvd with my mommy friend for window shopping!
It was a part of my jobs to do some research which lines and what items do boutiques on Robertson carry, so it is a kind of my work, too.

I was surprised so many KIDS stores now, and they have such cute items!!

Since most of the boutiques have very crowded/narrow aisles, carrying baby is the best way for window shopping!

I've got this ERGObaby carrier from my friend who is a mom and living in Germany.
My other friend also suggested that I should buy this carrier, so once I received it from my girl friend, I hopped!!

This is such an amazing carrier!
It fits well, and support my lower back.

However first few month, my son didn't want to get inside, and I couldn't use it at all.
He did express himself that he was so uncomfortable, so I could only use "Moby Wrap".
I registered this for my baby shower gift list because the reviews were great.
Then once I received it, it took while to practice to wrap it.
But as soon as Kai turned 3 months, this works well.
He was happy to be held, especially I put him facing forward.

So I've been using this moby wrap for two months.
Then as soon as I came back from Japan, which he became 4 1/2 months, we started using ERGO.
My son became big enough to stay in the carrier, and started enjoying being around mommy or daddy.
Especially my husband loves carrying him by this carrier.

Then once I joined the mommy and me class, I found 1/4 of my classmates have the same ERGO.
"Galaxy Grey"
Nice color with cute stars!
I saw one mom has green carrier with embroidery! It was so cute, and I've never seen like that.
Well I'm happy what I have, but one time someone asked me where I got my carrier.
She said she purchased the same one, but just plain black carrier.
So she said she was jealous of mine. It's funny. I felt jealous of my friend's friend who has ERGO with embroidery!!

Anyway, things you use everyday for baby are such important tools to make yourself comfortable.
Motivation to be a happy and good mommy, I think.

If someone asked me which carrier should I buy? I will answer ERGO! for sure.
(only thing con review for ERGO, it isn't allowed to carry my baby facing forward, so I actually have another carrier, too...)

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