Thursday, December 07, 2006

12-07-06 What's happen next....

Now so happy to have holidays! This year's holiday card is like this... Our graphic designer, Aya, did work hard, and I'm so satisfied her job :) I also plan to have meeting with my lines during December and discuss about next year schedule & collection plan! I'm looking forward to checking their samples.

In January, we're going to be very very busy!

From Jan 12- 16, our first trade show in LA in 2007. I'll show my collections for summer items of saikan, OUTERNATIONAL, muddy boots, mizra, in53kto, and Psychodelic Mystic. And from Jan 25-27, we're going to exhibit at Action Sports Retailer Show a.k.a. ASR in San Diego. Our snowboard line,
NEON ELEMENTS will be there. I hope everything is going to be great over there.

Oh, we're planning to publish our 2nd issue of funtrap magazine in Jan. So now I'm pretty busy of editing it. This issue, we feat 8 brands and 2 prospective artists and 1 city. Especially the article about NAGOYA city must be great information for people in the US apparel industry who work with Japanese.

I'm so looking forward to coming next year, 2007!

というわけで、今年はとってもかわいいホリデーカードを皆様にお届け♪そして来年は新年早々2つのトレードショーがあります。LAマーケット(1/12-16)はいつもの通りですが、今回スノーボードブランドNEON ELEMENTSを連れて、はじめてサンディエゴのASRショー(1/25-27)に出展予定!今からドキドキです。

そうそう、私たちが発行するfuntrap magazineの第2号を1月末に発行いたします。今回はショールームで扱う8つのブランド情報に加えて、今注目の都市「名古屋」について特集します!米国アパレル業界人に向けて書かれた記事はこれが初めてなのでは???今からどんな反応があるのか、楽しみです。

Don't forget to check our website :)

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