Wednesday, August 26, 2009

[08-26-2009] Inspired Interior Designs By Miho Kinouchi & Rachel Zoe

Hey guys-

I'm going to move a new place soon. We'll have a new studio room, and I'm start planning how to display my office/studio room to decorate!

I recently read a Japanese lifestyle book, "Reset Style", written by the Japanese art director Miho Kinouchi, and she's introducing californian life style in this book. Photos are beautiful and the contents are pretty interested.

Check her website

Some points I think I have some many commons thoughts, ideas and styles with her.
She's in my neighbor but never met, and hopefully I can see her someday!
Well I'm pretty sure I have some mutual friends. Japanese fashion/art industry in LA isn't that big, you know.

She inspired me some ideas for interior designs in this book.

Regarding inspiration, I also got some ideas from famous A-list stylist Rachel Zoe.
I know she's been in her own reality show, Rachel Zoe Project on bravo, and I haven't checked since last week.
I stunned the way of her work, and I'm really fascinated.
I know she has some bad rumors, and I know she's too skinny, but I'm still respecting the way of her work, and the way of coping the perfection in her fashion.

Rachel Zoe Project

By the way, I'm not that huge fan of her style. I like some of them, but I'm not the type of glamour-wanna-be!!

However some of the styles she creates for her clients are SOOOO perfect, and I think that makes her so popular.

Well, in her last Hollywood Hills house of 1644 Rising Glen Road, there was a mini studio, and I like that.
Simple, black/white interior. I like her wall paper/wall interior. I know it's so popular looks, but I still like it, and I'm going to have it like it in my new place!

Since my brand, Sunshine Darlin' has brown/orange theme, and my company Funtrap has pink/gray theme, I'm going to use some of colors as accent for sure.

Will let you know shortly!!

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