Friday, February 04, 2011

[02-04-11] Aw... Time flies TOO fast!!

I haven't written anything in January. A Happy New Year!
I know it's kind of too late to say that, but still I feel some kind of fresh feeling as a new year.

My baby boy has been doing great. He's now unfortunately in 30% tile,who used to be in 90% tile, but now he crawls fast and step walking with touching furniture and so on. Just being with him is 100% fun and I think I'm so enjoying being MOM.

Today I went to the italian restaurant in Gardena, EATALIAN, with my girl friend.
She's also a mom of 3 years old girl, and run her own business as a creative director.
So we had a lot of things we can share and discuss.
Ended up her friends joined our tables, then we really couldn't stop talking.

Parenting, cosmetic, mutual friends, business as a mom etc...

2011 would be the year to live as mom for me. I think I need to reconsider about my own career.
I don't feel that I give up my own, and I feel that I need to go on to the next stage of my life.
So it's very positive, and almost excited!!

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